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"Zombies on your lawn" LIVE

Лаура Шигихара (Laura Shigihara), композитор и исполнительница песенки "Zombies on your lawn" вместе с гейм-дизайнером самой игры Джорджем Фэном (George Fan), шлют пламенный привет всем поклонникам веселой игрушки .)

Не забываем подпевать:


There's a zombie on your lawn

There's a zombie on your lawn

There's a zombie on your lawn

We don't want zombies on the lawn

I know your type: tall, dark, and dead

You want to bite all the petals off of my head

And then eat the brains of

the one who planted me here

I'm just a sunflower but see

me power an entire infantry

You like the taste of brains

we don't like zombies

I used to play football

Road cones protect my head

I have a screen-door shield

We are the undead


Maybe it's time to reevaluate

I know you have a lot of food on your plate

Brains are quite rich in cholesterol

You're dead so it doesn't matter,

Instead we'll use this solar power

to make a lawn defense at any hour

I like the tricycle

There's butter on my head

I'm gonna eat your brains


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